- Bass Baritone
- Yoshiaki Kimura
- 木村善明
- 東京藝術大学音楽学部声楽科卒業及び同大学院オペラ科修了。2007年に渡独。ドイツ国立カールスルーエ音楽大学付属オペラ研修所で2年間研鑽を積む。その後、フランス・トューロン音楽院ソリストコースを1等賞及び最高賞を得て首席卒業及び、ベルギー王立ブリュッセル音楽院歌曲マスタークラス修了。五島記念文化財団の奨学生として、ドイツ国立シュトュットガルト音楽演劇大学大学院リート科でも学び、最優秀の成績で修了。また、ロームミュージックファンデーションの奨学生として、ドイツ国立トロッシンゲン音楽大学大学院ドイツ国家演奏家資格課程においても研鑽を積み、最優秀の成績で修了、ドイツ国家演奏家資格を取得。その他、ベルギー・ロブス財団及び野村国際文化財団、守谷育英会奨学生。2021年東京藝術大学大学院音楽研究科博士後期課程修了。博士号(音楽)取得。
近年では、第24回友愛ドイツ歌曲コンクール優勝、文部科学大臣賞、聴衆者賞受賞。第21回Josep Mirabent I Magrans国際声楽コンクールファイナリスト(スペイン•バルセロナ)第14回岡山芸術文化賞グランプリ受賞。第14回福武文化奨励賞受賞。第18回松方ホール音楽賞受賞。第24回五島記念文化賞オペラ新人賞受賞。倉敷市芸術文化栄誉章受賞。第14回マルセン文化賞受賞。2021年度三菱地所賞受賞。
2014/15年のシーズンから、ドイツ・ビーレフェルト歌劇場と専属歌手契約を結び、ソリストとして年間約60公演のオペラに出演。『魔笛』弁者役、ロッシーニ作曲『絹のはしご』ブランザック役、ヴェルディ作曲『マクベス』バンコ役で出演の他、現代オペラ・デイヴィットリトル作曲『Dog Days』では、主役ホワード役として抜擢され各メディアに取り上げられ大好評を得る。その他、ドニゼッティ作曲『愛の妙薬』ドゥルカマーラ役、ウェーバー作曲『魔弾の射手』カスパール役、ワーグナーの楽劇『ラインの黄金』主役アルベリヒ役で出演。今シーズンでは、『フィガロの結婚』主役フィガロ役、オッフェンバック作曲『天国と地獄』クピード役、グノー作曲『ファウスト』主役メフィストフェレス役で出演。2021/22年のシーズンでは、モーツァルト作曲『後宮からの逃走』オスミン役、クリスティアン・ジョスト作曲『エグモント』マキアヴェル役、リヒャルト・シュトラウス作曲オペラ『ナクソス島のアリアドネ』トルファルデン役として出演予定。
- The bass baritone Yoshiaki Kimura comes from Okayama Japan He studied singing at the Tokyo
University of the Arts from 2000 to 2007 and graduated with a "Bachelor Gesang as well as
"Master Oper".
In 2007 he moved to Germany, where he studied for two years at the opera school, the University
of Music in Karlsruhe.
In 2011 he completed his studies with the "Diploma of Music Arts", received first pri z e and
distinction in the soloist course of the Conservatoire National in Toulon France with Prof. Udo
Reinemann and then completed the master class for singing at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels
in Belgium.
As a scholarship holder of the “Gotoh Memorial Cultural Foundation”, he studied "Master Lied" at
the University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart with Prof. Cornelis Witthoefft, where he
graduated with the highest distinction. Also receiving a scholarship from the “Rohm Music
Foundation”, he studied " at the University of Music in Trossingen with Prof.
Andreas Reibenspies, where he graduated with the highest distinction.
He has received further grants from the Belgian “Robus Foundation”, as well as from the Japanese
“Nomura Cultural Foundation” and the “Moritani Scholarship Foundation”.
With his doctoral thesis, Yoshiaki Kimura earned his doctorate from Tokyo University o f the Arts in
2021, with the highest distinction.
In 2011 he made his European debut at the Bamberg Summer Festival, a biennial audition for
young opera singers in Germany, where he was selected from 380 applicants for the title role of
FIGARO" in LE NO ZZE DI FIGARO at the Bamberg Opera House.
In 2013 he was awarded the “Gotoh Memorial Culture Prize the “Opera Singer Prize and the
Fukutake Culture Prize in Japan.
In 2014 he was cast again for the role of “FIGARO in “LE NOZZE DI FIGARO at the Mannheim
Opera House Germany, where he was named by the local press as the best cast, brilliant,
with a wonderfully confident singing voice and beautiful pronunciation.
He was a finalist at the 21st Josep Mirabent I Magrans International Singing Competition in
Barcelona, Spain, and won the “Grand Prix at the 14th Okayama Art and Culture Awards.
He received numerous awards, including “first prize” at the 1st Japanese Song Competition and
“first prize” as well as the “Sakura Grand Prix at the 11th Sakurapia Song Competition.
In 2014 he won “first prize” at the 24th Yuai International Song Competition as well as the audience award, received the “Matsukata Hall Music Prize”, the “Okayama Art Prize” and was most recently awarded the “Kurashiki Culture Prize”.
In 2017 he was awarded the “Marusen Foundation Culture Prize” and he was last awarded the “Mitsubishijisho Prize” in 2021.
In the 2011/12 season he is an intern at the Flanders Operastudio in Belgium, where he sang the roles of “DULCAMARA” in Donizetti's “L´ELISIR D´AMORE” and “TARQUINIUS” in B. Britten's “THE RAPE OF LUCRETIA”.
Since the 2014/15 season he has been engaged as a soloist at the Bielefeld Theater. Among other things, he played the “SPRECHER” in Mozart's “ZAUBERFLÖTE”, the “BLANSAC” in Rossini's “LA SCALA DI SETA”, the “BANQUO” in Verdi's “MACBETH” and was chosen for the main role of “HOWARD” in David Little's “DOG DAYS”, a contemporary opera that was very well received by the media. He was also heard as “DULCAMARA” in Donizetti's “L´ELISIR D´AMORE”, as “CASPER” in Weber's “DER FREISCHÜTZ” and as “ALBERICH” in Wagner's “DAS RHEINGOLD”. Recently he was seen again in the title role of “FIGARO” in “LE NOZZE DI FIGARO” and “CÙPIDO” in Offenbach's “ORPHEUS IN DER UNWELT” and in the leading role of “MEPHISTOPHELES” in Gounod's “FAUST”.
In the coming 2021/2022 season he will perform at the Bielefeld Theater as “OSMIN" in Mozart's “THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAIL", as “MACHIAVELL” in Christian Jost's “EGMONT” and as “TRUFFALDIN” in R. Strauss “ARIADNE AUF NAXOS”.
Outside the theater, he sang the German and Japanese national anthems as the representative of the Japanese Consulate General in Frankfurt in 2018 during the celebrations for the Japanese Emperor’s birthday.
In 2004 he founded the “Gift Music Company” with a group of young musicians in Japan and has given 18 successful concerts in Japan, reported on by the Asahi Newspaper and other media.
In 2018 he was interviewed exclusively by Yomiuri TV and his life at the theater was featured on the show.
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