- Flute
- Hristo Dobrinov
- フリスト・ドブリノヴ
- ブルガリアのソフィア生まれ。6歳でピアノと音楽理論のレッスンを受け、8歳でフルートと出会う。ソフィア・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団首席フルート奏者であったゲオルギ・スパソフのもとで学び、ソフィアで行われた“Young Music Talents”コンクールで1位獲得。
ブルガリア国立ソフィア音楽院に入学後、レナード・バーンスタインが優れた若手音楽家の活動の場として創設したドイツのフィルハーモニー・デア・ナツィオーネンの首席フルート奏者を務め、毎年世界各地で150を超える公演に参加した。同時にケルン音楽大学でロバート・ウィンに師事する。フィルハーモニー・デア・ナツィオーネンの名のもと多数のCDレコーディングに関わり、J.S. バッハ、モーツァルト、バーンスタインの作品ではソリストを務めた。また、自身が結成したフルート・カルテットでクーラウ国際フルート・コンクール2位入賞を果たした。
ケルン音楽大学卒業後、2005年からマレーシア・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団首席フルート奏者として活躍。C. P. E. バッハ、テレマン、クヴァンツ、メルカダンテ、モーツァルト、ダンディの協奏曲を同フィルなどと共演したほか、数多くの室内楽公演を行った。
- Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, in an amateur musician family, Hristo began piano and music theory lessons at the age of 6, and then he started flute lessons with Georgi Spasov, principal flutist of the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra, when he really fell in love with the flute.
A few years later, prior to graduating from the National Music School, he won 1st Prize at the “Young Music Talents“ National Competition in Sofia. Right after starting his studies at the National Academy of Music in his native Sofia, Hristo was invited to take part in a New Years concert tour with the Philharmonia of the Nations in Germany. A private orchestra, founded by Leonard Bernstein, which has been a platform for an outstanding generation of young musicians. An invitation that later became an eight - year – long musical journey around the globe with over 150 concerts each year.
The joy of being a part of such an incredible one of a kind ensemble, was the reason that made him later decide to continue his studies with Prof. Robert Winn (Former principal flutist with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) at the Cologne Conservatory in Germany.
During this period, Hristo was a part of over fifty orchestral CD productions, numerous solo appearances with works by J.S.Bach, Mozart, Bernstein. Together with the flute section of the orchestra, he founded a flute quartet and a few months later, the quartet won the 2nd prize at the International Flute Competition “Friedrich Kuhlau“ in Uelzen, Germany.
Shortly after graduating from the Conservatory, Hristo was appointed Principal flute with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. He held this position from 2005 until 2017. Along with the orchestra, he has performed concertos by C.P.E.Bach, Telemann, Quantz, Mercadante, Mozart and D’indy. The Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra’s rich chamber music seasons have presented him with the opportunities to perform with a large variety of ensembles.
Hristo has an extensive chamber music experience and has appeared as a guest principal flute and ensemble member with orchestras such as Kioi Hall Chamber Orchestra in Tokyo, Nippon Century Orchestra, Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa, West Australian Symphony Orchestra and many others.
Hristo has served as a principal flutist of the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra since 2018.
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